
Today's Whatsapp Satsang| Dhan Nirankar Ji| Baba Hardev Singh Maharaj Ji...


What if Someone BREAKS your TRUST by sandeep maheshwari Y Entertainment ...


This Women Story made you inspired| Y Entertainment| Yash Dhagiya


Right on Time| You are on Time| Y Entertainment| Yash Dhagiya


Latest image of Mars taken by MCC

       Latest image of Mars taken by MCC     Mars Colour Camera on-board Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) captured this spectacular image of flood carved channel system of Kasei Valles on January 12, 2018. Kasei Valles is known to be largest outflow channel system on Mars extending more than 2400 km. The image is first one to be captured by MOM in the year 2018 and correspond to solar longitude (Ls) 113 on Mars. Thin cloud patches are also  seen in the bottom portion of image corresponding to higher altitudes of Kasei Valles. Picture & Statement courtesy: ISRO Website


SQL  WHERE Clause The SQL WHERE Clause The WHERE clause is used to filter records. The WHERE clause is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified condition. WHERE Syntax SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition;

About SQL

About SQL SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases. Our SQL tutorial will teach you how to use SQL in: MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Postgres, and other database systems. Example: SELECT * FROM Customers;